In my experience…

Nous utilisons ces mots et phrases pour exprimer un point de vue personnel :




In my experience…

 d'après mon expérience


As far as I'm concerned…

 pour ma part / en ce qui me concerne


Speaking for myself…

 à mon avis


In my opinion…

 à mon sens


Personally, I think…

 selon moi / à mon avis


I'd say that…

 Je dirai que


I'd suggest that…

je suis d'avis que / je suggère que


I'd like to point out that…

je tiens à faire remarquer que / Je voudrais indiquer que


I believe that…

Je crois que / Je suppose que


What I mean is…

Par cela / J'entends, par là / Ce que je veux dire



General Point of View

Nous utilisons ces mots et expressions pour exprimer un point de vue qui est généralement considéré par les gens :




It is thought that...


Some people say that...


It is considered...


It is generally accepted that...


Agreeing with an opinion

Nous utilisons ces mots et expressions d'accord avec le point de vue de quelqu'un d'autre : 




Of course.


You're absolutely right.


Yes, I agree.


I think so too.


That's a good point.




I don't think so either.


So do I.


I'd go along with that.


That's true.

Neither do I.    
I agree with you entirely.    
That's just what I was thinking.    
I couldn't agree more.    


Disagreeing with an opinion 


Nous utilisons ces mots et expressions en désaccord avec le point de vue de quelqu'un d'autre :




That's different.


I don't agree with you.




That's not entirely true.


On the contrary…


I'm sorry to disagree with you, but…


Yes, but don't you think…


That's not the same thing at all.


I'm afraid I have to disagree.


I'm not so sure about that.

I must take issue with you on that.    
It's unjustifiable to say that...    
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